Sep 04
Jul 05

Good, Better, Best

I have heard the saying ‘they don’t know what they don’t know’ so many times in my job. I also know how frequently we choose to design based on our subject matter expertise than direct user research. When you go to the clients to identify requirements to a product you... read more →
Jul 05

Applying the Concept of Flow

When we studied ‘flow’ and similar concepts in Foundations my mind always went to playing video games or reading a great book. It was the flow of play, not necessarily the flow of work that I gravitated towards. I think this is because of the definition of small goals and... read more →
Jul 05

Designers as Curators

As Interaction Designers we are often get stuck in the mindset that we have to create the next Facebook, or Google. I think this can sometimes actually cause more harm than good. Facebook wasn’t created in a two-week project. And, how many search engines existed before Google was created? We... read more →